Environmentalists For Nuclear–USA: 23Feb18 Congress Passed Bipartisan Bill Unanimously For $2 Billion For Advanced Reactors!
Environmentalists For Nuclear–USA: 9Dec2010 How To Stop Global Warming–by Bill Gates
NEI (Nuclear Energy Institute): Small Modular Reactor Milestone!
NEI: Report: No U.S. Source of Advanced Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Confirms Our National Carbon-Free Power Center Plan for Nevada
NEI: Congress Law For Nuclear Tax Credit Could Benefit Construction of Nuclear Recycling Plant at Yucca Mountain To Replace “Dump” Plan
NEI: Report: U.S. In Danger of Ceding Nuclear Technology Leadership–Confirms NevadansCAN Energy Plan Requirement for Nevada!
NEI: Report: Moving To A New Global Era In Advanced Nuclear Reactors–Will Nevada Be A Player?
NEI: Overview: Used Nuclear Fuel Issues–Including Yucca Mountain
NEI: Industry Perspective on Yucca Mountain Used Nuclear Fuel Repository Plan
DOE: Mission: Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy
Bill Gates’ Strong Support of Carbon-Free Nuclear Power:
+ Introduction To Interview: https://youtu.be/0FIV5MqiquA
+ Why Nuclear Power Is Best: https://youtu.be/BDv5aETEioM
+ Implementing Advanced Nuclear Power Systems is Daunting: https://youtu.be/Zxmlu_7kpJs
+ Bill’s Investment Interests For Nuclear Power Systems: https://youtu.be/OTHZ4a84KsM
(Note: Link to full Bill Gates interview with the Wall Street Journal may require a subscription.)